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Annual AA Area 55 Canoe Trip

AA Area 55 Canoe Trip - Mohican State Park

Canoe Trip – Sponsored by Warm Heart Serenity

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – July 05 – 07, 2024

Mohican Wilderness
22462 Wally Rd
Glenmon, OH 44628

Saturday Canoe Trip, Hobo Dinner, Campfire Meetings, Fellowship and Fun!
For more details or questions please contact either:
Gino 419-810-6719 or Dawn 419-346-1552

Map Directions:

No Boundaries

Meditation is something which can always be further developed. It has no boundaries, of width or height or depth. Aided by such instruction and example as we can find, it is essentially an individual adventure, something which each one of us works out in his own way. But its object is always the same: to improve our conscious contact with God, with His grace, wisdom, and love. And let’s always remember that meditation is in reality intensely practical. One of its first fruits is emotional balance. With it we can broaden and deepen the channel between ourselves and God as we understand Him.


Meeting Adversity

“Our spiritual and emotional growth in A.A. does not depend so deeply upon success as it does upon our failures and setbacks. If you will bear this in mind, I think that your slip will have the effect of kicking you upstairs, instead of down. “We A.A.’s have had no better teacher than Old Man Adversity, except in those cases where we refuse to let him teach us.”

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“Now and then all of us fall under heavy criticism. When we are angered and hurt, it’s difficult not to retaliate in kind. Yet we can restrain ourselves and then probe ourselves, asking whether our critics were really right. If so, we can admit our defects to them. This usually clears the air for mutual understanding. “Suppose our critics are being unfair. Then we can try to calm persuasion. If they continue to rant, it is still possible for us – in our hearts – to forgive them. Maybe a sense of humor can be our saving grace – thus we can both forgive and forget.”

1. Letter, 1958
2. Letter, 1966

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