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Online Alcoholics Anonymous Books
We will likely read through the Big Book with our sponsor as we work the 12-Steps. We will often hear people quote the book in various types of meetings. We will get recovery-influenced advice and guidance from our recovery community. Do we really need to study the Big Book outside of all these other sources? Get the Big Book via the Online Store.
The answer is yes — absolutely. The book Alcoholics Anonymous contains no opinions or interpretations, but rather a direct accounting of the 12-Step program of recovery that has helped thousands of alcoholics and addicts. It is the 12-Step book from which all other 12-Step books have sprung. It is a wonderful thing to hear it quoted and learn from other people’s experiences with the literature. Yet, there is no substitute for experiencing it firsthand. There is nothing quite like having a personal experience with the literature of recovery.
As we study, we often have incredible moments of relating, even though the book was written so long ago. We will see ourselves in its pages. From this, we can learn what our alcoholism and addiction mean for us and our lives and how we can apply the solution. Learning and discovering the wealth of information in the literature can open our eyes in ways that we may not even be able to comprehend at first. It can aid us in our spiritual growth throughout recovery and our personal growth as well.
There may be ways we think or behave that are mysteries even to us. Many of us find the explanations for these mysteries in the Big Book. There may be memories or episodes from our past that still hurt and confuse us. The Big Book can offer illuminating insights into these areas as well. There may be spiritual qualms about the program, questions about why we have to work the 12-Steps, or curiosity about how we can repair our lives. It’s no exaggeration to say that the book Alcoholics Anonymous addresses all these things and so much more. Only working the 12-Steps can have a more significant impact on our recovery than studying the Big Book can.