Perrysburg Staying Sober Anniversary Perrysburg Staying Sober is having our 35th anniversary celebration. We invite one and all to help us celebrate helping other alcoholics stay sober for 35 years! Come join us for fellowship, pizza, cake, and a special lead speaker. Please bring a salad or dessert if you can, the more the merrier. When: November 14, 2021 – Doors open at 5:30 pm, and a lead speaker at …
Open Minded AA Group Celebrates 34 Years When: Sunday – January 09, 2022 – Doors open at 6:00 pm, eat at 7:00 pm, speaker at 7:30 pm. Where: Faith United Church 4543 Douglas Rd Toledo, Ohio 43613 Venue: Come join in with loads of other grateful recovering alcoholics, and help the Open Minded AA group celebrate 34 years of helping alcoholics to stop drinking. We will have pizza, door prizes, …
Airport AA Group Celebrates 51 Years When: Monday – November 29, 2021 – Doors open at 7:00 pm Speaker to follow at 8:00 PM Where: Providence Lutheran Church 8131 Airport Highway Holland, Ohio 43528 Venue: You are cordially invited to join the Airport AA group in celebrating our 51st year of helping and keeping the next sick and suffering Alcoholic find serenity through working the Twelve Steps of A.A. We …