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S.S.T. Group of Point Place 37th Anniversary

S.S.T Group AA Anniversary

S.S.T. Group Celebrates 37th Anniversary

Thursday December, 01, 2016 – Doors open at 5:00 p.m., dinner at 6:00 pm, dual lead (AA and Al-Anon) lead to follow at 7:00 p.m.

Point Place United Church of Christ

Meat provide by the S.S.T Group, please bring a dish or dessert to pass and share. Look forward to seeing you there!

Map Directions:


Seeking Fool’s Gold

Pride is the basic breeder of most human difficulties, the chief block to true progress. Pride lures us into making demands upon ourselves or upon others which cannot be met without perverting or misusing our God-given instincts. When the satisfaction ofour instincts for sex, security, and a place in society becomes the primary object of our lives, the pride steps in to justify our excesses.

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I may attain “humility for today” only to the extent that I am able to avoid the bog of guilt and rebellion on one hand and, on the other hand, that fair but deceiving land which is strewn with the fool’s-gold coins of pride. This is how I can find and stay on the highroad of humility, which lies between these extremes. Therefore, a constant inventory which can reveal when I am off the road is always in order.

1. Twelve and Twelve, Pages 48-49
2. Grapevine, June 1961