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Alcohol Misuse During Covid19 Pandemic

Alcohol Misuse During Pandemic

Alcohol Misuse During Coronavirus Pandemic Alcohol poses different challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. For those of us who are alcoholics, we realize that any alcohol is misuse, but what about are family and friends use of alcohol? The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every family across the country and will likely have a long-lasting impact on public health and well-being. Alcohol misuse is already a public health concern in the United …

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10 Tips For Staying Sober – The Covid19 Edition

10 Tips For Staying Sober

Staying Sober During Covid-19 Pandemic The recent COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything most living people have ever seen. Limited resources and stay-at-home orders have brought all-new challenges to everyday life. For those who are trying to maintain sobriety, the changes are greater and more bountiful. 1. Slow & Steady Wins the Race This first tip doesn’t really change. In the original tips, we talked about how the pace of life …

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Maintaining Sobriety Tips During The Pandemic

Sobriety Tips For The Pandemic

Maintaining Sobriety Tips For The Pandemic Many alcoholics rely heavily on their ability to connect with members of their recovery fellowships. Being able to interact with like-minded people who share similar issues is arguably one of the most therapeutic aspects of maintaining sobriaety. Therefore, when something stands in the way of alcoholics being able to go to meetings, many of these individuals begin to panic. Unfortunately, one of the most …

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